Mayumi Morita, better known as Mao Daichi, is a Japanese actress who has been performing in stage plays, films, and TV series since 1973. Her debut act was in “Hana Kagerou” (花かげろう). GMO Internet Group presented her 50th anniversary concert, “PURE GOLD“, on November 29 to December 3 at Theatre Creation in Tokyo, and on December 5 to December 6 at Theater Drama City in Osaka. The “uP!!!” and “TELASA” services also held a live stream online on December 2.
Hirohiko Araki, the manga artist of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, drew artwork of Mao Daichi in commemoration of her concert. She presented the artwork halfway through the concert, expressing her gratitude to Araki for drawing her.Araki’s Artwork for Mao Daichi

Araki’s artwork depicts the actress wearing the same dress and jewelry as the poster for the concert.
Mao Daichi’s Comment
I’m sincerely grateful to everyone who has supported me. The artwork you’re viewing was drawn by Mr. Hirohiko Araki, the author of ‘JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’. Wow, it’s really something, isn’t it? He drew this picture imagining me. When he asked whether I preferred a Japanese style, Western style, or Chinese food—I mean Chinese style (laughs), I suggested perhaps French would be good, and so he drew this for me. That’s how it came to be, and I’m truly delighted, especially considering how busy he is.
It’s such a joy to be celebrated in this way, and in the first part titled ‘OVER THE MOON’, I had the pleasure of performing songs from my first stage appearance and from musicals in which I’ve starred. I think many of the songs felt nostalgic, but there might have been some that felt fresh and new to you.
Mao Daichi, December 2023

The PURE GOLD concert was split into two parts. In the first part, “OVER THE MOON”, Mao Daichi performed songs from musicals she performed in the past. For example, these included “Anything Goes”, “Panama Hattie”, “Lady, Be Good!”, “My Fair Lady”, “The Sound of Music”, “Roman Holiday”, “Heat Wave”, “Guys and Dolls”, and more.
In the second part, “THIS IS MAO”, she presented Araki’s artwork and sang more songs such as “I am what I am”, “Ticket”, and “On Stage”.
The lobby of the concert featured a golden folding screen created by her husband, Yasumichi Morita. A painting of Mao Daichi by Masataka Kurashina is displayed on the screen. She encouraged the audience to take photos with it.