On November 1 and 2, 2024, the Japanese vocal unit JO☆STARS performed two concerts at Teatro Cariola in Santiago, Chile. The group is composed of the singers behind some of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure anime‘s openings: Hiroaki “TOMMY” Tominaga (“JoJo ~The Fate of That Blood~“), Coda (“BLOODY STREAM”, “Fighting Gold”), and Jin Hashimoto (“STAND PROUD”). This marked their first visit to Latin America as a group and the farthest location they have traveled to from Japan.

Coda held an individual acoustic concert on November 1, with JIN and TOMMY joining as guests. The show included a meet-and-greet with the band. On November 2, JO☆STARS performed as a full group. An estimated 1,100 people attended both events, including 100 attendees who participated in the meet-and-greet.
On both days, Chilean singer Iris performed as a supporting artist, standing out for her covers of the opening theme “STONE OCEAN” and the ending theme “Distant Dreamer” from Stone Ocean. The price of the concert tickets were around $60-$100 USD. FIREWORKS, the production company JO☆STARS belongs to, also sold official merchandise of the band at the event, including keychains, towels, shirts, and music discs.
We had the opportunity to ask JO☆STARS a few questions about their views on Western fans, as well as their favorite JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure characters, songs, and Stands.
Special thanks to Blade Zeta from Feria Sparking! Productions who made this interview possible.
Full Interview with JO☆STARS
Why did you choose Chile?
TOMMY: After receiving an offer from Mr. Zeta, and hearing about the excitement of Coda’s solo event in Chile in February this year, I really wanted to go to Chile as JO☆STARS.
Coda: I didn’t choose Chile; I believe it’s more like Chile chose me.
JIN: I didn’t choose it myself; the offer came to JO☆STARS, and we decided to accept it.
Can you tell us about your favorite opening theme, character, Stand, and Part?
TOMMY: “The Fate of That Blood” (“Sono Chi no Sadame”) is definitely special, but if I had to choose a favorite, it would be “BLOODY STREAM“. As for a character I have a strong connection with, it would be Will A. Zeppeli. My favorite Stand is Magician’s Red, Avdol‘s Stand.
My favorite part of the series is Episode 7 of Phantom Blood, where Zeppeli meets his end. The story of him sacrificing his life to pass on his will moved me deeply, and I couldn’t stop crying.

Coda: Naturally, I feel a deep connection to each Part, each for its own reasons. For songs, it would be “Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town“. Fans especially enjoy it and love singing along when we perform it live!
As for characters, even though he’s an antagonist, Dio always catches my attention. In a way, I think he’s a character who’s incredibly pure about pursuing his own desires. I also really love the relationship between Joseph and Caesar in Part 2.

- Opening Theme: “Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town“
- Character: Iggy
- Stand: Star Platinum
- Part: Stardust Crusaders: Battle in Egypt, specifically Iggy’s final moments.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and your music activities are loved by fans all over the world. Many fans are especially passionate in the West. How do you feel about this love, and could you share a message for the fans in this region?

TOMMY: No matter where they’re from, I’m thrilled when people’s passion and affection for something I was involved in come across! I’m also deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to work on the JoJo series.
To all the fans in Chile, I think of you as comrades who love JoJo just as much as I do.
“Let’s share this joy together!”
That’s my message to you.

Coda: Although I’ve naturally felt the love from passionate fans at various events in Japan, I also feel incredible enthusiasm in Asia, America, and especially in South America. Among them, Chilean fans might be number one in the world.
This year, I visited Chile for the first time, and now I’ve already gone back for a second time. I hope there will be many more opportunities in the future. It has become a country I truly love.

JIN: I feel incredibly happy, but at the same time, I’m overwhelmed with disbelief and amazement.
I want to deliver my songs to as many countries in the West as possible, so I hope you’ll keep supporting me!
TOMMY: Zeta さんからの出演オファーアプローチと Coda の今年 2 ⽉の単独チリイベントの盛り上がりの様⼦を聞き、是⾮ JO☆STARS として⾏きたいとおもっていました。
Coda: 僕が選んだわけじゃなく、チリが僕を選んでくれたんだと思っている
JIN: 私は選んだわけではなく、JO☆STARS に依頼があったのでお受けした次第です。
♯ 勿論、〜その⾎の運命〜は特別で、敢えてお気に⼊りと⾔えば「BLOODY STREAM」
♯ キャラクターとして思い⼊れがあるのは ウィル・A
♯ 好きなスタンドはアヴドゥルのスタンド「マジシャンズレッド」
♯ 好きなシリーズのパートはファントムブラッドの第 7 話

・ツェペリ (© LUCKY LAND COMMUNICATIONS / ジョジョの奇妙な冒険製作委員会)

Coda: もちろんどのシリーズもそれぞれに思い⼊れがあります。
楽曲でいくと「Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town」これをライブでやると特にファンが喜んで⼀緒に歌ってくれるから!
敵役だけど、Dio はいつも気になっている。ある意味で⾃分の欲望にとても純粋なキャラだと思っている。2 部のジョセフとシーザーの関係性もとても好きです。

オープニング: Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town
キャラクター: イギー
スタンド: スタープラチナム
シリーズ: エジプト編イギーの最後

TOMMY: どの地域の⼈であれ、⾃分が関わったものへの情熱や好意が伝わってくれば嬉しい!そして私⾃⾝が JoJo 作品に携われたことに感謝している。
チリのファンの皆さんも JoJo を愛する仲間だと思っている。
Coda: もちろん⽇本での熱狂的なファンはいろんなイベントでもその愛情を感じてきているけど、アジア・アメリカでも熱狂的だし、南⽶でもものすごい愛を感じてる。その中でもチリのファンは世界でもナンバーワンかもしれない。今年はじめてチリに訪れたわけだけど、もう 2回⽬⾏けてるし、これからも機会がたくさんあれば良いと思っています。⼤好きな国になりました。
JIN: とても嬉しく思うのと同時に、信じ難いという驚きが混在しています。
Thanks JO☆STARS for taking the time to answer our questions despite your busy schedules!

About the Concerts
Coda en Chile Acústico 2024

This was Coda’s second visit to the country, and he shared insightful comments about their performance and songs, while also joking and recounting anecdotes.
The songs performed were “BLOODY STREAM“, “chase“, “Fighting Gold“, “Goodbye Nostalgia“, “STAND PROUD” (with JIN), “JoJo ~The Fate of That Blood~” (with TOMMY), “Villain◇Concerto” (as JO☆STARS), and “Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town” (as JO☆STARS).
Coda discussed the challenges they faced while traveling to Chile. “We had a few problems getting from Japan to here because of the flights, and there was a moment when I was really afraid that we might not be able to get to Chile. Well, JoJo’s also had problems during a flight, so I guess it was fate,” he remarked.
He also mentioned that “Goodbye Nostalgia”, composed by him, “contains the most important feelings for Kakyoin.” When performing the cover of “Villain◇Concerto”, Coda was Oingo, TOMMY was Boingo, and Jin was Hol Horse. They joked that TOMMY was the strongest Boingo in the whole world, “perhaps stronger than Jotaro.”

At the JO☆STARS concert, they performed 17 songs.
Song | Artist |
JoJo: The Memories of That Blood ~end of THE WORLD~ | JO☆STARS |
JoJo ~The Fate of That Blood~ | TOMMY |
Fire of Soul | TOMMY |
Heritage for the Future -Jonathan’s Ballad- | TOMMY |
With The Wind | TOMMY |
Fighting Gold | Coda |
Requiem for a Traitor | Coda |
Goodbye Nostalgia | Coda |
into the blue sky | JIN |
Star Platinum | JIN |
Never End | JO☆STARS |
Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town | JO☆STARS |
Great Days JO☆UNITED Ver. | JO☆STARS |
Before performing the song “Never End“, Coda stated: “This song is about us and you. It symbolizes that just like JoJo’s adventures are eternal, our story will be too. And I hope someday this song could be part of some season of JoJo.” This comment prompted the audience to chant “Steel Ball Run” for a few moments.
Credit to JoJo’s Fashion Adventure for reaching out to us, communicating with Blade Zeta to make this interview happen, and for writing this article. Interview responses translated from Japanese to English by Vish (@jojo_wiki).