Collaboration items between the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean anime and SAMANTHAVEGA are now available for order in Japan. They are offering bags and charms representing the characteristics and key colors of each of the six characters: Jolyne Cujoh, Ermes Costello, F.F., Weather Report, Jotaro Kujo, and Enrico Pucci.
Orders for the charms and bags can be placed from today (February 16) onward until February 28 on the official website. All of the items come in only one size but can be worn by anyone.
A dark green long wallet with a design based on Jolyne Cujoh. It has a spiderweb print, a heart, stars, Jolyne’s name printed in graffiti style, a metal fitting based on Jolyne’s belt buckle, and a butterfly print on the back. It costs ¥12,980 (approximately $112 USD) including tax.
Shoulder Bags
There are six shoulder bags based on each of the six characters, costing ¥17,380 each (approximately $150 USD). Their dimensions are 18 cm (width) x 11 cm (height) x 6 cm (gusset).
Jolyne Cujoh
Jotaro Kujo
Ermes Costello
Weather Report
Enrico Pucci
Heart Bag
The heart bag is based on Jolyne and costs ¥14,498 (approximately $125 USD). Its dimensions are 18 cm (width) x 17 cm (height) x 7 cm (gusset).
The backpack is based on Jolyne and costs ¥19,580 (approximately ($170 USD). Its dimensions are 21 cm (width) x 26 cm (height) x 13 cm (gusset).
Tote Bag
The tote bag is also based on Jolyne and costs ¥20,218 (approximately $175 USD). Its dimensions are 26 cm (width) x 20 cm (height) x 12 cm (gusset).
The Stone Ocean gold charms cost ¥5,280 (approximately $45 USD) each, tax included. Their material is zinc alloy. The butterfly charm’s overall length is 14 cm, whereas the six other charms have a length of around 4.5 cm.
Source: SAMANTHAVEGA Online Shop
SAMANTHAVEGA is a Japanese luxury brand by the Samantha Thavasa Group, which is a global company that originated in Japan in 1994. It was founded by Kazumasa Terada. It is primarily popular among young women for its handbags. SAMANTHAVEGA primarily features Japanese pop culture with a focus on cute things.