NHK has released the key visual of the live action TV drama adaptation of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan‘s ninth episode. This year, it will be adapting Episode 6 of the manga, Poaching Seashore. The original chapter by Hirohiko Araki was released on October 12, 2013.
The new episode will be releasing on May 10, 2024, with a pre-broadcast on May 5, 2024. The previous episode of the series released on December 27, 2022, though NHK released a film afterward in theaters on May 26, 2023. NHK will also be broadcasting that film, Rohan au Louvre, on TV for the first time this May.
Key Visual

Episode 9 – Poaching Seashore: Synopsis
An Italian restaurant quietly opened near Rohan‘s house. Rohan and Kyoka visit the restaurant and meet Tonio Trussardi (Alfredo Chiarenza), a chef with the mysterious ability to heal his patrons’ physical ailments through his cooking. Tonio proposes a plan to Rohan for poaching the legendary Hyogara black abalones, which is said to be able to cure any disease. In fact, Tonio has a fiancée, Hatsune Morishima (Misako Renbutsu), who is suffering from a serious illness.
- Episode 9: Poaching Seashore (密漁海岸) releases on May 10, 2024 at 10:00 – 11:00 PM JST on NHK General. There will be a pre-broadcast on BSP4K on May 5, 2024 at 1:00 – 2:00 PM JST.
- Movie: Rohan au Louvre (ルーヴルへ行く) will make its TV debut on May 6, 2024 at 3:55 – 5:54 PM JST on NHK General. A pre-broadcast will be on BSP4K on April 27, 2024 at 7:00 – 8:59 PM JST.
- Episode 7: Hot Summer Martha (ホットサマー・マーサ) and Episode 8: Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid (ジャンケン小僧) will be rebroadcast on May 5, 2024 at 4:10 – 5:58 PM JST on NHK General.
In addition, NHK has revealed the cast that will be in the episode alongside Issey Takahashi as Rohan Kishibe and Marie Iitoyo as Kyoka Izumi.

Alfredo Chiarenza will play Tonio Trussardi.
Misako Renbutsu will play Hatsune Morishima (in the manga, her name is Virgina)
Comment From Issey Takahashi
This is my fifth year participating in the Rohan Kishibe series, but since talk of a sequel would naturally come up during production, I don’t quite remember when exactly this sequel was officially greenlit.
However, from the start, it seemed like the whole team had the desire to thoroughly explore Rohan’s world to the point where we were satisfied with it. We didn’t want to leave this project half-baked, since we were already on board this ship. This wasn’t about external expectations but rather about reaching a point where we would be satisfied ourselves. That’s how passionate our team was about this work.
The fact that we were able to manifest these invisible things like our feelings and passion into a visible form may seem ordinary, but it feels like a representation of how the invisible things can be the most important. By continuing the series and depicting Rohan’s underlying spirit and his backstory shown in the Louvre, I think we were able to imbue a sense of his convincing presence into each work – as if the invisible but crucial essence of who Rohan is could be felt within them.
We call the manifestation of spiritual power a “Stand”. Although all you Stand users who could sense invisible things might have already seen this coming, the Louvre’s TV debut is happening. I’m looking forward to it.
Thus, I’ll be poaching.
Issey Takahashi
Source: NHK / TSKR Drama Site
Original Work: Hirohiko Araki
Director / Script: Kazutaka Watanabe
Script Cooperation: Yasuko Kobayashi
Music: Naruyoshi Kikuchi / New Music Production Studio
Character Design: Isao Tsuge
About Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan is a spin-off of Hirohiko Araki‘s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series. It is an ongoing series of one-shots featuring the titular character, Rohan Kishibe, from Diamond is Unbreakable. Rohan serves as the narrator and/or the protagonist depending on the story. These one-shots are intermittently published in various magazines such as Weekly Shonen Jump or Jump Square.
Using his special ability “Heaven’s Door” that can read the history and secrets of whoever he chooses and write commands into them, Rohan experiences strange incidents and encounters mysterious phenomena.
The series has spawned an OVA adaptation, a collection of short stories, and a live action TV drama adaptation that airs on NHK. The TV drama currently has eight episodes and a film released. All three seasons and the film are available to watch on Amazon Prime in certain countries.